Automação Residencial

Iluminação, ar condicionado e comodidades para sua casa inteligente com Alexa.

white concrete house surrounded by trees
white concrete house surrounded by trees
the reflection of the sky in the glass of a building
the reflection of the sky in the glass of a building
photo of grey and black industrial buildings
photo of grey and black industrial buildings
grey industrial equipment
grey industrial equipment

Projetos de

Automação predial, residencial e hoteleira focada em iluminação, ar condicionado

landscape photo of 2-storey house
landscape photo of 2-storey house
Automação Residencial Inteligente

Controle total da sua casa com automação residencial inteligente

gray tower building under blue sky
gray tower building under blue sky
close-up photo of factory
close-up photo of factory
aerial view of high-rise buildings
aerial view of high-rise buildings
Automação Hoteleira Moderna

Tecnologia de ponta para automação hoteleira moderna e eficiente

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

A automação predial realizada pela Kraj Projetos superou minhas expectativas. Recomendo a todos!

Lucas Silva

glass panel high-rise building under blue sky with sun raise
glass panel high-rise building under blue sky with sun raise

A equipe da Kraj Projetos é altamente qualificada e entregou um trabalho impecável em minha residência.

Maria Santos

buildings near body of water during nighttime
buildings near body of water during nighttime